On September 12, 2024, Ahmad Dahlan University held an English Language Education Study Program Day (Prodi Day) as part of a series of Campus Program Introduction (P2K) activities for new PBI 2024 students. All new students, lecturers, teaching staff, students organization , and the ELE SP student community attended this event. The event was lively in Room 17, Floor 3, Main Building, from 08.00 to 16.00.
The Study Program Day was designed to introduce the English Language Education Study Program to new students in an engaging manner. The first session, led by the Head of PBI UAD Study Program, Sucipto Ph.D., and the Secretary of PBI UAD, Rahmi Munfangati, S.S., M.Pd., was not just a presentation of the vision, mission, and curriculum of PBI UAD. It was a lively session filled with games, singing, and rhymes, aimed at helping students get to know the lecturers and teaching staff better.
“I would like to welcome you to the ELE SP UAD Family. You need to know that ELE SP is one of the oldest study programs, where ELE SP was founded to have a goal, a vision, and a dream; its dreams are continuously studied and adapted to current developments. New students who choose ELE SP UAD, you are in the right place, enjoy your education and enjoy every process,” said Sucipto, Head of the ELE SP.

Mahasiswa Baru PBI Angkatan 2024
The second session, led by Astry Fajria, S.S., M.Pd., and Nur Rifai Akhsan, M.Pd., was dedicated to the Student Assistance Team. They explained the pivotal role of Students Assistance Team in assisting students, from participating in competitions to managing Ormawa. The session was interactive, with new students actively participating in an English quiz, where the winner received a door prize from the Student Assistance Team.
In the third session, which was no less exciting, students were introduced to student organizations (Ormawa) such as EDSA (English Department Student Association), EJT (Edsa Journalist Team), and the PeBei Theater Family. Aviq Yusuf Fernanda (Chair of EDSA), Teddy Prasetia (Chair of EJT), Anggi Aulia Rizki (Deputy Chair of the PeBei Theater Family), and Intan Rahma Deyaka (Deputy Chair of PALP) presented the vision, mission, and activities of each organization. New students looked enthusiastic and asked a lot about opportunities to join each organization.

Civitas Akademik PBI
The final session was the Mawapres session, where two outstanding students, Saniatul Arnikmah Asmuni (ELE SP alumnus) and Agam Ringga (7th-semester student), shared their experiences participating in the Sea Teacher and IISMA programs. Many new students were curious to participate in a similar program so they could study abroad, as evidenced by their enthusiasm to ask the two presenters questions.
English Education Study Program Day has become an essential and successful annual agenda thanks to the help of the Study Program Team and the P2K Committee (EDSA). Welcome to all new ELE SP UAD students! Be proud to be part of the ELE SP UAD Family.