On Thursday, August 22, 2024, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta, in collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences, Teacher Education Department of Pontevedra Campus, Philippines, successfully held an international educational exchange event with the theme “Best Practice in Literacy and Numeracy Teaching in Yogyakarta.” This event was held at Balay Hipona Elementary School as part of the CHALK (Comprehensive and Holistic Approach in Uplifting Struggling Learners’ Knowledge) Project. This event was attended by 167 participants, including teachers and parents of students from Hipona Elementary School and lecturers from the Teacher Education Department of Capiz State University, Philippines.

This event marked the collaborative relationship between Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta and Capiz State University, Philippines. At this event, there was a presentation by Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I., a leading academic from UAD. In his presentation, Dr. Ani Susanti shared in-depth insights about innovative and practical approaches to teaching literacy and numeracy that had been implemented in Yogyakarta. His presentation provided valuable guidance regarding best practices in teaching literacy and numeracy for the Filipino and Indonesian educators who attended.

Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I., Dosen PBI, Gelar Pertukaran Pendidikan

Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I., was also one of the lecturers of ELE SP who was active in various international projects. His presentation provided valuable insight for educators from Indonesia and the Philippines who attended.

Also present was Muhammad Sayuti, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University. He expressed his deep appreciation for this event.

“We were very proud to be able to participate in this extraordinary event. This collaboration was an exchange of knowledge and a step forward in strengthening relations between the two countries. We hoped that this collaboration would continue and provide wider benefits for the world of education,” he said.

Civitas Capiz State University

The design of this program was to introduce good practices and provide a platform for educators from Indonesia and the Philippines to share experiences, ideas, and teaching strategies. This program also reflected the strong commitment between UAD and Capiz State University of the Philippines in improving the quality of education through international cooperation. It was also hoped that the involvement of the academic community, through initiatives like this, would further strengthen the quality of education between the two countries.

Rifky Dora Wijayati,S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D., lecturer in English Language Education Study Program, has successfully introduced Indonesian Jumputan Batik in Capiz State Univesity Pilar, Philippines. Through the Community Extension program he initiated, Rifky succeeded in attracting attention and raising the enthusiasm of the academic community to elevate Indonesia’s cultural heritage to an international level.

The Community Extension Program from Capiz State University was held with the title Weaving Culture and Community: A Collaborative Journey in Batik Making. This program was attended by 32 participants, consisting of representatives of lecturers and students from 9 campuses under Capiz State University, as well as four additional representatives from the large main campus. This program aims to provide participants with skills and knowledge about making batik using simple equipment, namely rubber bands, and introduce and teach the shibori technique for making Batik Jumputan.

Jereline, a participant, expressed that the enthusiasm of the participants was palpable throughout the event, underscoring the significant impact of the program.

“This was an extraordinary experience that not only enriched our insight into Indonesian culture but also allowed us to contribute to introducing it to our community in the Philippines,” he said.

Rifky Dora W, Ph.D. bersama mahasiswa Capiz State University

Rifky Dora, as a source, said that.

“I feel thrilled and proud to be able to participate in this Community Extension program, especially in introducing the art of Jumputan Batik using the shibori technique at Capiz State University. This collaboration is not only about sharing knowledge but also about strengthening cultural and community relationships. “The enthusiasm of the participants is very inspiring, and I hope this will be the start of a sustainable collaboration that will introduce Indonesia’s cultural heritage to the whole world,” she said.

As a follow-up, the participants will return to their respective campuses to conduct Batik Jumputan training in their communities, with full support from Extension Chairs. This program not only strengthens educational and cultural relations between Indonesia and the Philippines but also ensures the sustainability of the initiative by spreading knowledge and appreciation of Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

On August 20, 2024, Eryke Sukma Widiarna, a female student class of 2021, received a competency certificate from the National Professional Certification Agency for Qualifications in 3 Fields of Job Training and Certification in the Sub-field of Instructor Group Work Training, which was held by the Professional Certification Institute, Ahmad Dahlan University on July 26, 2024. More than 20 students have taken this certification, which is located in the Microteaching Lab, 6th Floor, Lab Building, Ahmad Dahlan University.

The certification reference is SKKNI Number 333 of 2020 concerning Determination of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards 3 Categories of Rental and Leasing Activities, Without Option Rights, Employment, Travel Agents and Other Business Support Main Classes of Employment Activities in the Field of Standardization, Job Training and Certification. In this qualification, 11 Competency Units must be mastered to qualify.

According to Eryke Sukma, he took part in quite several selection stages. These include file registration, file selection, interview selection, live demonstrations, written tests, and checking administrative completeness. Each stage was designed to test different aspects of the participants’ skills and knowledge, making the process rigorous and comprehensive.

“I got this information from Maam Astry, ELE SP Lecturer, then I decided to take part, and this was the first time I took the competency test; the competency test process was carried out in just one day, starting from 07.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB. The examiner was Mr Fariz Setyawan. “I was the only ELE SP student who took part in this competency; many of the other participants were from the Mathematics Education Study Program, Biology Education Study Program, and  Guidance and Counseling Study Program,” she said

To take the Competency Test, participants must be active as a UAD students from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, at least semester six, and have passed the Microteaching and Educational Management courses. This certification is valuable because BNSP Indonesia directly issues it. Eryke Sukma said the most memorable experience was during a live demonstration.

“Previously we were asked to make an activity plan (here we write the target of the activity, goals, and achievements) then I was asked to demonstrate the event/activity that I had previously created (can be likened to microteaching), here there was also a direct interview session regarding the activities that we will carry it out, it is quite challenging for me, but thank God, I am very happy because I was able to pass this certification. I couldn’t have done it without the support of the study program, which provided me with the necessary resources and guidance. I hope I can make good use of this certification,” he said.

So, that was the story of one of the ELE SP students who successfully passed the certification. The story above can inspire and motivate us all.


Yogyakarta, 2 Agustus 2024 – Civitas PBI UAD terbitkan dua buku antologi yang menyajikan serta mengulas pembahasan segar tentang bahasa Inggris di Indonesia. Buku pertama berjudul “Kebahasainggrisan: Tinjauan Literasi serta Cendekia” serta buku kedua berjudul “Literasi dan Cendekia: Perspektif Kebahasainggrisan”. Kedua buku ini membahas pentingnya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di Indonesia, dengan fokus pada tiga topik utama: pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada anak usia dini, penggunaan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, serta prospek kerja bagi lulusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris.

Sudah menjadi rutinitas tahunan mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) untuk menerbitkan buku ilmiah. Kedua buku ini ditulis oleh mahasiswa angkatan 2023. Buku pertama ditulis oleh Ahmad Rakan Arrona, dkk dari kelas A sedangkan buku kedua ditulis oleh Anis ‘Aziizah, dkk dari kelas B. Tidak sendirian, terdapat tiga dosen yang turut andil membimbing mereka, dua dosen PBI, Nur Fatimah, S.Pd., M.Hum. dan Khafidhoh, M.Pd. selaku dosen pengampu, serta bekerja sama dengan dosen dari PBSI, Sudaryanto, M.Pd., selaku dosen pengampu dan juga editor.

“Harapan saya adalah mahasiswa memiliki pengalaman essai ilmiah yang ditopang dengan budaya literasi serta baca dan tulis. Saya juga berharap bahwa pengalaman mahasiswa ini bisa menjadi manfaat yang diteruskan di mata kuliah yang akan datang,”jelas Sudaryanto.

Kepenulisan buku ini berangkat dari pemahaman bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Internasional yang penting untuk dikuasai oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Buku ini merupakan hasil dari mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI), Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). Dari luaran ini, mahasiswa belajar bagaimana cara menulis essai ilmiah dengan menggunakan metode STAR (Situation, Task, Action, and Results), yang nantinya mereka memiliki bekal dasar menulis ilmiah yang bisa diimplementasikan di mata kuliah semester berikutnya. Rakan, salah satu mahasiswa yang turut serta dalam kepenulisan ini, menyampaikan kebermanfaatan yang diperoleh dari dilaksanakannya kepenulisan esai ini.

“Saya berharap buku tersebut bisa memberikan manfaat kepada orang-orang di luar sana yg berkeinginan untuk mempelajari korelasi antara AI dan Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Inggris untuk anak dini serta apa saja prospek kerja yg tersedia setelah memperdalam Bahasa Inggris. Saya juga berharap masih ada keinginan dalam diri saya untuk kembali menulis lagi demi memberikan manfaat kepada orang lain,” tutur Rakan Mahasiswa PBI Angkatan 2023.

Pada Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 – Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Ahmad Dahlan menerima kunjungan dari FKIP Tadris Bahasa Inggris Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro (TBI IAIN Metro). Acara bertempat di Aula Islamic Center, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. Turut hadir dalam acara ini Dr. Much Deiniatur, M.Pd.B.I (Kaprodi TBI IAIN Metro), Aisyah Sunarwan, M.Pd. (Sekretaris Prodi TBI IAIN Metro), Sucipto, M.Pd.B.I, Ph.D. (Kaprodi PBI UAD), Rahmi Munfangati, S.S., M.Pd. (Sekretaris Prodi PBI UAD) beserta beberapa civitas akademika seperti dosen dan tenaga pendidik. Kurang lebih ada 80 mahasiswa peserta yang hadir dalam acara ini.

Sucipto, Ph.D. (Kanan), Moch. Deiniatur, M.Pd.B.I. (Kaprodi TBI IAIN Metro)

“Selamat datang saya ucapkan kepada rombongan IAIN Metro di PBI UAD. PBI UAD sendiri adalah salah satu prodi tertua di FKIP yang memiliki 3 peminatan, jadi kami tidak hanya fokus di bidang pengajaran, kami juga menyediakan peminatan yang bisa di ambil oleh mahasiswa kami. UAD juga menawarkan program Magister PBI dan juga Fasttrack. Semoga dengan adanya acara Implementation of Agreement ini IAIN bisa menjadikan PBI UAD role model yang bisa meningkatkan kualitas menjadi lebih baik, dan juga kerja sama ini terus berlanjut” tutur Sucipto Ph.D selaku Kaprodi PBI UAD

Kunjungan dari Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Metro bertujuan untuk belajar, bersilaturahmi, dan berbagi tips yang diperlukan guna meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Metro. Kegiatan ini juga dalam rangka implementasi kerja sama yang telah dibangun antara kedua belah pihak, dimana tahun ini Prodi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris juga turut menandatangani IA (Implementation of Agreement).

Rifky Dora Wijayati, M.Hum.,Ph.D. (Sekprodi MPBI UAD) dan Moch. Deiniatur, M.Pd.B.I. (Kaprod TBI IANI Metro)

Setelah sesi penandatanganan IA (Implementation of Agreement) dilanjutkan dengan sesi penyampaian materi. Dalam kesempatan kali ini Dosen Magister PBI UAD, Rifky Dora Wijayati, M. Hum., Ph.D turut berpartisipasi dengan menyampaikan materi tentang “Envolving Learning in English anguage Education”. Setelah itu materi kedua disampaikan oleh Much. Deiniatur, M.Pd.B.I selaku Kaprodi TBI IAIN Metro yang menyampaikan materi tentang penggunaan AI (Artificial Intelligence) di lingkup Pendidikan. Setelah sesi penyampaian materi yang dipandu oleh moderator Rara Raudhah, (mahasiswa PBI angkatan 2021) terdapat sesi diskusi antara pemateri dan peserta yang hadir.

Setelah acara di aula ditutup, rangkaian acara terakhir adalah Lab Tour, di mana seluruh rombongan dari IAIN Metro melakukan kunjungan ke Lab Journalism, Lab TEYL (Teaching English to Young Learners), dan Lab Tourism. Acara Lab Tour ini dipandu oleh Student Employee (SE) dari Prodi PBI UAD.

Mahasiswa PBI UAD X TBI IAIN Metro

Salah satu mahasiswa IAIN Metro menyampaikan kesannya selaama kunjungan di PBI UAD.

“ PBI UAD memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap dan memadai. Terdapat peminatan- peminatan yang menurut saya sangat menarik untuk diambil. Lab nya juga disediakan tergantung peminatan yang diambil” tandasnya.