On Thursday, August 22, 2024, Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta, in collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences, Teacher Education Department of Pontevedra Campus, Philippines, successfully held an international educational exchange event with the theme “Best Practice in Literacy and Numeracy Teaching in Yogyakarta.” This event was held at Balay Hipona Elementary School as part of the CHALK (Comprehensive and Holistic Approach in Uplifting Struggling Learners’ Knowledge) Project. This event was attended by 167 participants, including teachers and parents of students from Hipona Elementary School and lecturers from the Teacher Education Department of Capiz State University, Philippines.
This event marked the collaborative relationship between Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta and Capiz State University, Philippines. At this event, there was a presentation by Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I., a leading academic from UAD. In his presentation, Dr. Ani Susanti shared in-depth insights about innovative and practical approaches to teaching literacy and numeracy that had been implemented in Yogyakarta. His presentation provided valuable guidance regarding best practices in teaching literacy and numeracy for the Filipino and Indonesian educators who attended.

Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I., Dosen PBI, Gelar Pertukaran Pendidikan
Dr. Ani Susanti, M.Pd.B.I., was also one of the lecturers of ELE SP who was active in various international projects. His presentation provided valuable insight for educators from Indonesia and the Philippines who attended.
Also present was Muhammad Sayuti, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., as Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University. He expressed his deep appreciation for this event.
“We were very proud to be able to participate in this extraordinary event. This collaboration was an exchange of knowledge and a step forward in strengthening relations between the two countries. We hoped that this collaboration would continue and provide wider benefits for the world of education,” he said.

Civitas Capiz State University
The design of this program was to introduce good practices and provide a platform for educators from Indonesia and the Philippines to share experiences, ideas, and teaching strategies. This program also reflected the strong commitment between UAD and Capiz State University of the Philippines in improving the quality of education through international cooperation. It was also hoped that the involvement of the academic community, through initiatives like this, would further strengthen the quality of education between the two countries.