The Curriculum of English Language Education Study Program is designed based on the principles of Active Learning, Soft Skill Integration, and Outcome Based Education (OBE) and adapted to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). In this curriculum, students are prepared to be able to compete in the Industry 4.0 era. English Language Education Study Program also prioritizes Al-Islam material as important material in each semester. In total, UAD English Language Education Study Program students must take a minimum of 145 credits which are divided into compulsory courses and elective courses.


In line with its vision, the curriculum of English Language Education Study Program directs students to choose a concentration in their scientific field of interest. After receiving primary lecture material, students are introduced to the following scientific areas: (1) English Language Teaching (ELT), (2) Linguistics, and (3) Literature. In semester 6, students explore research related to these three fields. Of the three existing scientific concentrations, students can then choose one of the scientific concentrations to prepare their final assignment or thesis.


The curriculum of English Language Education Study Program seeks to accommodate students’ interests and talents relevant to the Study Program’s Vision and Mission. Therefore, there are several courses related to specialization: (1) Teaching English for Young Learners (TEYL), (2) Journalism, (3) Translation, and (4) Tourism. Laboratory facilities also support these four specializations. With this specialization, graduates of the English Education Study Program will have added value and become professional English teachers.


In preparing professional English teachers, the English Language Education Study Program’S curriculum provides space for intensive field practice. The field practice or internship consists of Introduction to Schooling Fields (PLP) I and II. The apprenticeship procession is carried out during semester breaks in collaboration with partner schools.


Practicum is a follow-up to lectures based on specialization. In one semester, students must practice the theory they have obtained in the specializations (1) Teaching English for Young Learners (TEYL), (2) Journalism, (3) Translation, and (4) Tourism. The practicum weight reaches 3 credits, which means that it requires students to be able to concretely demonstrate abilities in their respective interests.

CONCENTRATION – Testimonials

After graduating from S1 at PBI UAD, I studied at PBI S2 UAD with the same concentration: English Language Teaching. Time went by, and I got a doctoral or doctoral scholarship at Wuhan Normal University, China. With a focus on curriculum development, thank God I have graduated and returned to research and teaching. PBI UAD has prepared me well to become an academic researcher in language teaching.

Sucipto, S.Pd., M.Pd.B.I., Ph.D.Lecturer and Researcher in English Language Education I PBI UAD ’00

When I was in my Masters, I got a research grant to Australia. Thank you, PBI UAD, for introducing literature to me. I fell in love with literature and continued to study it. The teaching and curriculum factors made me enthusiastic about studying literature. Now, I continue to be an observer and researcher of literary works.

Dr. (Can) Galuh Febri Putra, S.Pd., M.A. Lecturer in Udayana University, Bali I PBI UAD ’08

My research during my PhD at La Trobe University, Australia, focused on linguistics, especially the field of pragmatics. I have pursued this knowledge since I was still studying at PBI UAD. The curriculum and teachers at PBI UAD provided everything I needed to develop linguistic knowledge. Until now, the research and papers I have worked on are in linguistics.

Dwi Santoso, Ph.D.Lecturer and Researcher in English Language Education I PBI UAD ’00

INTERESTS – Testimonials

A number of courses related to tourism at PBI UAD provided me with added value as a tourism person. Apart from being a teacher, now I am also a tourism consultant and assessor for tourism professional certification.

Pramugara Robby Yana, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. (Cand)Professional Tourism Consultant I PBI ’09

Studying at PBI UAD allows me to compete in the world of work and become a translator at the best language service provider (LSP) company in the world. Of course this is related to the translation elective course. The existence of a Practicum of Translation with the support of a qualified laboratory is certainly the basis for me in taking steps to become a professional translator.

Faisal Abidin, S.Pd.Professional Translator I PBI UAD ’08

The knowledge I gained at PBI UAD led me to achieve my dreams: to become an English teacher, public speaker, news announcer, bilingual presenter, and coach for public speaking. In the field of journalism, the success of my career as a news anchor is of course based on the knowledge I gained in the journalism course at PBI UAD.

Muhammad Anggi Nugroho, S.Pd.News Anchor ADI TV & Professional MC I PBI UAD ’09

Apart from teaching at formal institutions, I also founded and managed an English language education institution. Not only for students, my institution is also a partner for many companies to improve their employees’ English skills. Of course, all of this is due to the educational provision at PBI UAD.

Aan Subketi, S.Pd., M.Pd.B.I.The Founder of Cendika English Course I PBI UAD ’00

Becoming a civil servant teacher will be more open if we are graduates of a study program at a teaching faculty with A accreditation. Thank God, not long after graduating, I was appointed as a civil servant teacher. The factor that I graduated from PBI UAD has more or less influenced the smooth running of this business.

Fhika Awalya P., S.Pd.English Teacher (PNS) at SMP N 6 Sungaiselan I PBI UAD ’14

When I was in college I took an elective course in journalism. I also took part in the Practicum of Journalism with the support of qualified equipment and laboratories. I also had the opportunity to network with the world of journalism. Thank God, after graduating I was able to become a professional journalist.

Adrian Rizky Putra, S.Pd.Journalist of Haluan Kepri I PBI UAD ’15